Predictions of LHC Cascades in regard to a Precise Calculation of Gluino Mass and Free e-Course from 241-Mumbers

Released on: August 2, 2008, 2:13 am

Press Release Author: Sean Sheeter

Industry: Education

Press Release Summary: Predictions of most significant particle cascades at CERN\'s
LHC collider. Discusses how supersymmetry relates to a full
Higgs mechanism and gluino decay to squarks as a prerequisite to creation of the
lightest sparticle of \'dark mass,\' as well
as the puzzle of material baryon creation. Which further illustrates the importance
of giving three dimensionless equations for a precise gluino mass of 6.388355 TeV in
a new free introductory e-course from 241-Mumbers.

Press Release Body: This year the Large Hadron Collider at CERN will commence
operations. It's expected the LHC is capable of producing supersymmetric particles,
otherwise known as sparticles. While most sparticles are confined to a lesser
energy, any
evidence of squarks will require an energy equivalent to a gluino g^ = 6.388355 TeV.

It\'s expected the LHC will find the standard model or \'light Higgs boson\', yet that
was evidenced at CERN's electron collider in 2000. But the lepton collider was
incapable of producing the raft of states of the full Supersymmetric Higgs
Mechanism, the heaviest of which imparts mass to gluinos. Which assures the real
interesting physics won't occur until the
LHC reaches higher energy proton collisions.

Just as gluino creation precedes its decay into squarks, it\'s also antecedent to
producing the lightest sparticle: the Higgs-fermion better known as a neutralino or
\'WIMP dark-mass.\' For what was referred to as \"the real interesting physics\" reduces
to a chain of transformational decays that further accounts for the observed
dominance of baryon matter over anti-matter in baryogenesis: the creation of
precursors to protons and neutrons. It follows that gluinos represent the most
important, though relatively misunderstood, state of the sparticle-particle

For there\'s more to supersymmetry than just regarding a sparticle as a heavier
spin-inverted state of a fundamental particle. For example, a quark carries a
fractional charge whose nature as a fermion demands existence of an antiquark of
opposite charge. A squark, however, is a boson of integer-spin whose charge
ultimately is determined by the \'first-generation\' of the +2e/3 Up or -1e/3 Down
\'family\' to which it belongs. So while the up is the lightest quark, sUp is the
heaviest squark owing to an \'inverted flavor hierarchy\' where the heaviest top quark
corresponds to the lightest sTop squark. Yet more importantly, it\'s the bose nature
of squarks that enforces the absence of an identifiable fermi-like state of
antimatter: -2/3-charged squarks simply don\'t exist. So a neutral gluino strongly
decays into a either a U-squark with two lighter sBottoms, or two D-squarks with,
say, a sCharm.

Hence it\'s easy to imagine how a fixed squark charge from gluino decay is a
prerequisite for material baryogenesis, though of course there\'s more to this
conclusion. And though a few models have been proposed which seem to accord with
these ideas, there\'s little evidence any argument has effectively challenged the
inadequate explanation of baryogenesis in terms other than some variant of [CP]
symmetry violations from a dense meson-like quark-antiquark/gluon plasma: hardly
stable matter. For theorists to then acknowledge neutralino dark-mass, but not
baryon-matter, as representing the \"purpose of SUSY;\" creating the world we occupy,
is beyond comprehension.

Still it\'s fair to ask 1: what justifies criticiziing established precedents beyond
2: merely making unconfirmed \"claims\" of calculating gluino mass. In regards to the
former critique, one can only say no other \'authority' provides an effective
explanation for baryon-creation. For 241\'s model further predicts a precise
percentage of baryons relative to the total critical universal mass that's in fine
accord with observation; supposedly mere \"coincidence\" otherwise.

Yet it's critique-2 that garners emphasis as a follow-up to a review
( of key discoveries. In this regard,
gluino-mass is first of four Sample Data and Proofs at 241\'s website, as well as
before the text\'s introduction. Two of these other examples constitute \"pudding
proofs\" that empirically, as well as theoretically, confirm the precise mass of the
down and up quarks, as well as strange and bottom. So while gluino mass
lacks LHC-confirmation; it still entails a hard proof that\'s instead mathematical
and experiential. For giving the mass-value urges serious readers to "eat the
pudding themselves\" as an initial \'hands-on task.\' Which is to formulate three
dimensionless equations as ratios to other masses in an abbreviated particle table
following the introduction.

For the preceding report argues that listing dimensionless ratios between metric
parameters is meaningless unless one is able to Write a Predictive dimensionless
Equation. If three independent equations exist for one mass, one could cogently
conclude it\'s the only possible answer even without experimental data \'backing the
claim.\' For in this pudding, proof is in
your bowl. Yet for the six years this material\'s been on the web, everyone tested
has flunked; nobody\'s supplied one equation, let alone three. Since 241-Mumbers
purpose is best tested in an educational forum, it announces indefinite
postponement of publication in favor of a free invitation to the introductory
e-course in which one might earn full access to a raft of unprecedented information.

Web Site:

Contact Details: Sean Sheeter (760)-727-7508
241 Mumbers, POBox 322 San Marcos, CA. 92079

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